Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bodyweight 296#

I managed to stick to 1000 Cal yesterday and was rewarded with a big loss as I shed 3# or so of water. I will keep my diet strict today (~1,000 Cal) and see if I can hit 295# tomorrow. I won't lose anymore water but 1,000 Cal might be low enough for me to drop a whole pound of fat in one day (mainainance=(15cal/#)(296#)=4,440Cal-1,000Cal=3,440 Cal or ~1# of fat).

I worked out at home last night in an effort to hold off muscle loss. I will actually go to the gym tomorrow for a more comprehensive workout. I have to stick with lifting 3xweek even if don't make it to the gym.

Push ups: x12 x12 x12

Given my bodyweight these are actually a decent strength exercise. Next time I will do these with my feet elevated and focus on a lower rep range. When I am dieting seveerly high reps are very hard.

Dumbell Concentration curls:42.5#x5x5x5x5x5

I rigged up one of my wife's adjustable chrome bells with some of my olympic plates.

one arm DB press: 62.5#x5x5x5x5x5 R&L

Balance was a little difficult with the adjustable bell.


Blogger Cuerpo Aztlan said...

Man that's a tough workout! Keep it up!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

wow thats some pretty impressive upper body weight you're lifting there, you are going to be BUFF!

12:48 PM  
Blogger Robert W said...

Thanks. The goal during this diet is not to lose too much muscle along with the fat. Hopefully I can hit a bodyweight of 245# and have 17" arms and a 36" waist. (currently 18" arms and a 44.5" waist).

Gastric bypass patients lose something like 1# of muscle for every 3# of fat, and a lot of them were not too muscular to begin with. Hopefully my ratio is going to be a lot better than that.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Robert W said...

No, I think my diet is so restrictive right now that I am probably burning up all the protein I consume anyway. I will worry more about it if i get into some bodybuilding after I get my bodyfat under control.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »

1:52 PM  

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