Bodyweight 296#
I managed to stick to 1000 Cal yesterday and was rewarded with a big loss as I shed 3# or so of water. I will keep my diet strict today (~1,000 Cal) and see if I can hit 295# tomorrow. I won't lose anymore water but 1,000 Cal might be low enough for me to drop a whole pound of fat in one day (mainainance=(15cal/#)(296#)=4,440Cal-1,000Cal=3,440 Cal or ~1# of fat).
I worked out at home last night in an effort to hold off muscle loss. I will actually go to the gym tomorrow for a more comprehensive workout. I have to stick with lifting 3xweek even if don't make it to the gym.
Push ups: x12 x12 x12
Given my bodyweight these are actually a decent strength exercise. Next time I will do these with my feet elevated and focus on a lower rep range. When I am dieting seveerly high reps are very hard.
Dumbell Concentration curls:42.5#x5x5x5x5x5
I rigged up one of my wife's adjustable chrome bells with some of my olympic plates.
one arm DB press: 62.5#x5x5x5x5x5 R&L
Balance was a little difficult with the adjustable bell.
I managed to stick to 1000 Cal yesterday and was rewarded with a big loss as I shed 3# or so of water. I will keep my diet strict today (~1,000 Cal) and see if I can hit 295# tomorrow. I won't lose anymore water but 1,000 Cal might be low enough for me to drop a whole pound of fat in one day (mainainance=(15cal/#)(296#)=4,440Cal-1,000Cal=3,440 Cal or ~1# of fat).
I worked out at home last night in an effort to hold off muscle loss. I will actually go to the gym tomorrow for a more comprehensive workout. I have to stick with lifting 3xweek even if don't make it to the gym.
Push ups: x12 x12 x12
Given my bodyweight these are actually a decent strength exercise. Next time I will do these with my feet elevated and focus on a lower rep range. When I am dieting seveerly high reps are very hard.
Dumbell Concentration curls:42.5#x5x5x5x5x5
I rigged up one of my wife's adjustable chrome bells with some of my olympic plates.
one arm DB press: 62.5#x5x5x5x5x5 R&L
Balance was a little difficult with the adjustable bell.
Man that's a tough workout! Keep it up!
wow thats some pretty impressive upper body weight you're lifting there, you are going to be BUFF!
Thanks. The goal during this diet is not to lose too much muscle along with the fat. Hopefully I can hit a bodyweight of 245# and have 17" arms and a 36" waist. (currently 18" arms and a 44.5" waist).
Gastric bypass patients lose something like 1# of muscle for every 3# of fat, and a lot of them were not too muscular to begin with. Hopefully my ratio is going to be a lot better than that.
No, I think my diet is so restrictive right now that I am probably burning up all the protein I consume anyway. I will worry more about it if i get into some bodybuilding after I get my bodyfat under control.
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
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