Thursday, December 08, 2005


BWT 291#

Still making good progress. Goal is 1,500Cal today which should keep me on track for my December goal.


Blogger Cat said...

good going! so im just wondering how you do it get the luxurious foods in small quantities? maybe i should be in overeaters anonymous or something but really i try to keep things small and simple and delicious but i walk around whining all day from a rumbling stomach lol ;)

10:58 AM  
Blogger Robert W said...

I was thinking about your problem, and i think that the answer for you may be to strictly count calories (absolutely no cheating) and then very slowly reduce them at a rate that you can manage. Once your body adapts to the lower calorie total even a strict diet is only moderately uncomfortable. I am a "cold turkey, jump in the pool" type, but easing in gradually might work better for you.

I don't eat between 1PM and 6AM and I am only experiencind moderate hunger pangs at night now that my body is used to the long fast.

11:20 AM  

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