Monday, August 22, 2005



BWT 309#

Good start to the week weight-wise. It looks like I have a chance at hitting 304# before we go out to dinner on Saturday night.

Seated OHP:215#x1/2/3/1/2/3 210#x1/2/3

I dropped down to 210# for the third ladder, because i felt that the second triple at 215# was near my limit.

Cable curl:100#x7x7x7x7x6

Cybex pulldown:305#x5x3x3

Cybex Pec-deck:255#x5x5x5

I did these to work my chest instead of the benchpress, because my triceps were feeling pretty fried from the OHP Ladder.

Weighted walk: 110# Barbell 0.5 mile (fast walk ~3mph).

The 110# BB is the heaviest fixed weight barbell in the gym. I decided to only carry the barbell until arm/shoulder discomfort set in and work on extending the distance I carry the weight. I then speedwalked the remaining 0.5 mile with no weight.(7laps with BB/5 no weight). Hopefully my flexability or circulation will improve and I will be able to do the 0.5mile with little or no discomfort.


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