Bodyweight 306#
I am still hanging onto a bit of water, but I expect to be well under #300 by weeks end. Shooting for 1,500Cal/day again. I did make it to the gym last night, where i had an okay workout. I definitely felt stronger than Friday, which might have been the effects of the "Shackapalooza", and the Saturday trip to "Rickshaw Dumpling" and then "Jaques Torres' chocolate Haven". It turned out that the little toddler at the table next to us was Jaques' partner's daughter, so we got to meet Jaques when he came out to pl;ay with her. He seems like a very nice guy. Sarah Moulton and Jaques are my two favorite Food Network stars.
Work Out
Seated Overhead Press:215#x1/2/3/1/2/3 220#x1/2/2
Missed the last rep when i bumped the weight up to 220# for the third ladder.
Cable curl:100#x5x5x5x5x5
Pec Deck:262#x5x5x4
Concept2 Rower: Three 1 min. sprints.
I decided to start working out on the rower again. Sprints Monday and Friday and distance work on Wednesday. If I wasn't interested in doing a bit of Bodybuilding, I would probably just row 3xweek. You can build a great physique by rowing alone if you push hard enough. The rowing instructor at the YMCA has tried to talk me into doing just that.
I am still hanging onto a bit of water, but I expect to be well under #300 by weeks end. Shooting for 1,500Cal/day again. I did make it to the gym last night, where i had an okay workout. I definitely felt stronger than Friday, which might have been the effects of the "Shackapalooza", and the Saturday trip to "Rickshaw Dumpling" and then "Jaques Torres' chocolate Haven". It turned out that the little toddler at the table next to us was Jaques' partner's daughter, so we got to meet Jaques when he came out to pl;ay with her. He seems like a very nice guy. Sarah Moulton and Jaques are my two favorite Food Network stars.
Work Out
Seated Overhead Press:215#x1/2/3/1/2/3 220#x1/2/2
Missed the last rep when i bumped the weight up to 220# for the third ladder.
Cable curl:100#x5x5x5x5x5
Pec Deck:262#x5x5x4
Concept2 Rower: Three 1 min. sprints.
I decided to start working out on the rower again. Sprints Monday and Friday and distance work on Wednesday. If I wasn't interested in doing a bit of Bodybuilding, I would probably just row 3xweek. You can build a great physique by rowing alone if you push hard enough. The rowing instructor at the YMCA has tried to talk me into doing just that.
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