
BWT 307#
I survived my departmental retreat without any weight gain. I will class that as a win since there are wall to wall snacks, free beer, buffets etc. I bet I would be showing a loss if I had stayed out of the birthday cake that was served up after yeterday's session.
Today I am shooting for 1,500 Cal. The gym will have to wait for tomorrow; I am knocking off work at 3:30PM so I can get in line for today's taping of "The Daily Show".
Ahh, I LOVE the Daily Show. Love me some Jon Stewart :) Have fun!
Look for me tonight. I should be easy to spot when the camera pans the audience: 300# guy in a Yellow polo shirt.
Thanks for looking for me, although i don't think I was on camera when they panned the audience. There was another big guy in a yellow polo shirt sitting with his young "niece". He was much shorter and rounder than I am, and I was seated with Lillian who is my age and Egyptian.
They rerun them a couple of times the next day. 10AM and then 8PM Eastern time are the next showings, IIRC.
I finally watched my recording of the episode and I WAS visible for a few frames in the upper right hand corner of the screen just before the Lewis Black segment. I had to pause the recording and look for my bright yellow shirt. I couldn't make out Lilian at all.
Keep up the good work » »
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