Thursday, September 08, 2005


BWT 307#

Starting to shed the last of the water I picked up over the holiday. I am still sticking to my 1,500 Cal/day, so hopefully I will hit a new low on Saturday or Sunday. Now that football season is starting up I am planning on making Sunday my "cheat day". I will just try to plan my total calories to be in the 4-5,000 Cal range for that day. In theory, that should be my maintainance level anyway (15Cal/#*305#=4,575), so a day of maintainance shouldn't hurt my diet any.

Back to the gym tomorrow for another lifting session. I will lay off of the gripwork for a few more days, until I am certain my wrist has recovered. After that it is back to work on closing that "Beefbuilder Grandmaster" gripper.


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