Wednesday, March 08, 2006


BWT 294#

Diet: 2,500 Cal Yesterday, aiming for 1,000 today.

Workout (last night)

I was forced to lift in the evening instead of my usual 7AM workout. The gym was packed and my energy levels were pretty poor.

Incline Press:140#x3 190#x3 210#x3 230#x3 240#x5 255#x1 x2 x3 x1 x2

260#x1 265#x1 270#x1 275#x1 280#x1 (very slow)

While I felt really weak on the 240#x5 my 1RM strength wasn't terrible. We will see if i can handle 5x5 with 240# on Friday, or if I should switch to ladders while i keep my diet super strict. Dieting really eats into my recovery, and kills my ability to do reps.

Cable curl (drop sets):110#/80#/50# x2 x2 x1

Tricep push down(drop sets):110#/80#/50# x5 x4 x4