BWT 294#
My weight is a little up from a bit of an Easter gorge, but I am trying to get things rolling again by sticking under 2,000 cal/day. I have been bothered by that pinched nerve in my upper back the past few weeks, and I have decided to drop all bench pressing (incline and flat benching) for the forseable future. I lifted once last week but my I started to feel like I was aggravating my back so I cut my incline pressing short after 3 sets and switched to dumbell presses (65#x10x10x10).
I recall now that a fellow lifter at my gym that does a lot of heavy incline presses developed a bulging disc in his upper back that caused him to lose strength in his right arm. He never figured out what caused it, but I am starting to suspect the incline work was the culprit. So it is back to the OHP for me. I may do the Incline as an occasional Max Effort exercise, but I will not train it as my main press anymore.
DB OHP: 75#x5x5x5
These feel better than the Incline, but still irritated my back a little.
Precor cable curl (drop set) 110#/80#/50#x3x3x2
Barbell Military press:95#x5 140#x5 160#x5 180#x3 200#x1
These felt pretty good, and didn't irritate my back at all. I will start with 170# for 5x5 next time and work from there. I should be able to increase the weight pretty quickly, but I want to be careful of that pinched nerve.
Leg press: 380#x5x5x5x5x5