Thanks for the support everyone. I am trying to see if I can get down to my bodyweight goal by mid year AND hit some strength PR's as well. Unfortunately, it is delicate balance.
BWT 297#
Cal. 3,200, 165g protein.
Incline press: 235#x5x5x5x5x6
These are getting easier, but I will resist the temptation to increase the weight ahead of schedule.
Cable curl (dropset): 110#/80#/50#: x4 x3 x1 x1 x0
Bradford press: 150#x5 x4.5 x4.5
Tricep pushdown: 110#/80#/50# x7x5x5
Precor Supersquat: 435#x5x5x5
I will have to watch my form at the bottom. I don't use a belt, and I was rounding my lower back a bit on these.
Precor Row "fly": 160#x5x5x5
I might start doing drop sets on these as well.