Wednesday, March 29, 2006


BWT 288#

Diet goal: 1,500 Cal today. I am aiming to dip down to 282# this week and 280# next week.


Incline press:240#x5x5 245#x5x5x5

Cable curl (drop sets)110#/80#/50#:x3x3x3

Leg press: 410#x5 360#x5x5x5x5

410# was to heavy for 5x5. I will work up slowly from 360# for 5x5

Reverse Benchpress: 200#x7 210#x5x5x5x5

I will keep adding weight as I get used to these. I really want to be handling more weigh on these then the incline to build strength at the top of my press.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Thanks Cat.

BWT 284.5#

New low weight. In fact this puts me over the 100# lost mark, although it probably includes 7-10# of water.

Cal. 1,200 60g protein (yesterday)


Incline Press:240#x5x5x5x5 245#x5

Precor cable curl: dropsets(110#/80#/50#):x3 x3 x2

Reverse Bench Press:140#x5 160#x5 180#x5 200#x5 220#x3

I will use 200# for 5x5 and work from there. Ideally, I would like to be handling more weight on the reverse than the Incline to help build some triceps strength.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


BWT 287.5#

Closing in on 285#; the above weight is a well hydrated, but carb-depleted reading. Cal goal today is 2,500 as I "carb-up" for tomorrows lifting.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


BWT 288.5#

I managed to stay under 2,000 Cal yesterday, and I am looking to get below 1,500 today. this should be the week where I finally get below 285#.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


BWT 291#

Calorie goal: 1,500

Incline Press:240#x5x5x5x5x5

Cable curl (drop sets) 110#/80#/50#: x3 x3 x2

Reverse Bench Press: 165#x10 x7 x7

Bradford Press: 155#x5 x4 x4

Precor Leg Press:400#x5x5x5

Friday, March 17, 2006


BWT 294#

Thoroughly rehydrated and carbed up from a big dinner last night. Yesterday's cal=4,200. Today's goal is 1,500.

Work out:

Incline Press: 240#x5x5x5x5x5

Cable curl (drop sets) 110#/80#/50#: x3 x2 x1

Reverse Bench Press: 140#x10 160#x8

I am going to work these in once a week as a triceps exercise.

Rack pull: 510#x5x5x5

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Thanks Cat. It does feel good to get the weightloss rolling again.

BWT 288#

Cal. 1,540 90g Protein

Today's goal is 3,000 Cal 160g Protein, in order to Carb up for tomorrow's work out.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


BWT 291# BF% 26.6

Cal. 1,850 30g Protein

Starting to get close to a new low in bodyweight.

Monday, March 13, 2006


BWT 295#

Yesterday: 2,500 80g Protein

Hopefully, I will be in the 280's by Friday if I stick to my diet. Today's goal is 1,200 Cal.

Workout: Incline Press: 240#x5x5x5x5x5

Precor legpress:360#x7 380#x5 400#x5

My bck still felt tight from Fridays rack pulls, so I tried out the legpress instead of the Super Squat. Definitely takes the stress off the lower back.

Bradford Press: 155#x5x5x4.5

Precor Row 'fly':165#x5x5x5

Friday, March 10, 2006


BWT 292.5#

Yesterday: 3,000 Cal 120g Protein

The extra calories the previous day definitely helped my lifting. I felt much stronger and managed to complete the 5x5 work on the incline without any problems.

Incline Press: 240#x5x5x5x5x5

The first four sets were "touch and go" but I did the last set with full pauses. I felt much stronger then in my Tuesday evening workout.

Cable curls (drop sets):110#/80#/50#x3x3x2x1x0

Messed around with "competition style" bench press form, doing triples of 140#, 230# and 280#. It will take some getting used to, but I can see the potential benefits of shortening my ROM.

Rack Pull: 510#x5x5x5

Thursday, March 09, 2006


BWT 290.5#

Cal. 1,800 60g protein

I am definitely losing weight again. now that I am back on a strict diet. I guess i should realize that if I am feeling to good I am not losing weight. Feeling slightly deprived=maintaining. Feeling REALLY deprived=losing.

I will be aiming for a higher cal. and protein goal today, in hopes of preparing myself for tomorrow morning's lifting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


BWT 294#

Diet: 2,500 Cal Yesterday, aiming for 1,000 today.

Workout (last night)

I was forced to lift in the evening instead of my usual 7AM workout. The gym was packed and my energy levels were pretty poor.

Incline Press:140#x3 190#x3 210#x3 230#x3 240#x5 255#x1 x2 x3 x1 x2

260#x1 265#x1 270#x1 275#x1 280#x1 (very slow)

While I felt really weak on the 240#x5 my 1RM strength wasn't terrible. We will see if i can handle 5x5 with 240# on Friday, or if I should switch to ladders while i keep my diet super strict. Dieting really eats into my recovery, and kills my ability to do reps.

Cable curl (drop sets):110#/80#/50# x2 x2 x1

Tricep push down(drop sets):110#/80#/50# x5 x4 x4

Monday, March 06, 2006


BWT 295#

That is a well hydrated 295#, as indicated by my arms taping out at 18" cold (flexed) this AM. They were below 17.5" when I am dehydrated, and are 18.5-18.75" with a pump.

I did some severe dieting this week end to help get back on track: Sat: 960 Cal 40g Protein(coffee, protein shake, popcorn) Sunday: 960 Cal 40g Protein. Today I am aiming for 3,000 Cal, which will hopefully allow me to have a good workout tomorrow.

I did a bit of cooking this weekend, since we will be entertaining this evening. The beef ribs braised in red wine will be served with roasted root vegetables and celery root puree. I also made a banana cheesecake for dessert (6,300 Cal for the whole cake), which looks very promising. I will have to work out some portion control to keep my meal under 1,500 Cal.

Friday, March 03, 2006


BWT 298#

Cal. 2,950 160g protein

Incline Press: 235#x5 240#x5x5x5x5

Paused all but the final rep on the last two sets.

Cable curl (drop sets):110#/80#/50# x3 x2 x2

3-Board Press 275#x5x5

I didn't like the groove on these, so I decided to switch to Floor Presses which follow a bar path closer to that of the incline Press.

Floor press: 280#x3 250#x5x5

250# looks like a good weight to start with.

Rack Pull: 505#x5x5x5