I didn't hit any of my goals in 2005, but i did make alot of progress, and I should be able to reach my 2006 goals if I stay focused. I will shoot some pictures next week to help document my progress throughout 2006.
1) 10% Bodyfat (~242# BWT). (currently 26%)
2) 3 pull-ups. (currently 1/2)
3) BWT Military press. (currently 245#)
4) 350# Incline press (current PR is 310#). This one isn't a gimmee, I might train very hard all year and fall a bit short.
I will be changing things up a bit as I lose these last 50# of fat and focus on developing strength in 2006. I will be upping my calories a bit, and trying to increase my protein consumption. Furthermore I will be adding cardio 3xweek in the form of 500M sprints on the concept2 Rower.
New diet: BWTx10Cal/day, broken down into 30% protein/30% Fat/40% Carbs. I will make sure i hit my protein goal each day although I may eat fewer carbs and fat then I am allowing for.
1) Lift 3xweek. Lots of work on deads, squats and incline press, plus curls and rows. I still need to build a stronger base.
2) Row 3xweek after lifting, doing a series of intense 500M sprints. These are for conditionaing rather than fat burning
3) Yoga 3xweek. I really need to work on my flexibility.
4) Grip training. I have lost significant grip strength this past year, which I would like to remedy with thickbar work, gripmachine and griper training. Also some plate curls and sledgehammer levers for my wrists.